Hello everybody, Ladies and gentleman. Tonight I made a game up with the help of my friend sto (BANNED)
Basically as a CT you will line everyone up shoulder to shoulder and say
" Today we will be playing name that good good stephan inspired "
" In an order left to right you will name a legitimate drug and if it's not a drug you will be slain you have 10 seconds "
They may type it or write it in chat and the ct's will decide in which if it's a drug such and a dispute will be handled by googling the named drug
The warden will write a special drug in ct chat and if someone names that good good drug you will recieve a prize you can slay x t's leaving 2 remaining for lr, slay yourself or sing [Your name] a song.
hope everybody enjoys this game and let me know your thoughts
Kye for being there xD
Basically as a CT you will line everyone up shoulder to shoulder and say
" Today we will be playing name that good good stephan inspired "
" In an order left to right you will name a legitimate drug and if it's not a drug you will be slain you have 10 seconds "
They may type it or write it in chat and the ct's will decide in which if it's a drug such and a dispute will be handled by googling the named drug
The warden will write a special drug in ct chat and if someone names that good good drug you will recieve a prize you can slay x t's leaving 2 remaining for lr, slay yourself or sing [Your name] a song.

Kye for being there xD