23-10-2016/02:49 PM
I Spy With My Little Eye...
I've came up with a new Jailbreak game that anybody can play without an admin setting health or anything like that.
How it Works
1. The warden will put several beams down (depending on how many T's there are alive) and all the T's will pick an individual beam.
2. The warden will activate freezebomb, and the highest person will be the one "I Spying".
3. The "I Spyer" will pick a SEEABLE object or game in the area they are in and say "I spy with my little eye something beggining with..." and they will say the first letter of the object they have chosen.
4. Other T's will try and guess the object that the "I Spyer" has chosen, in chat.
5. The person who has guessed it correctly gets to kill another T NOT INCLUDING the "I Spyer", by typing in chat who they would like to die.
(OPTIONAL) 6. Repeat steps 2-5 until LR
And there you have it! People seem to enjoy this game and has already been used by other players, so enjoy!
none of ur goddamn business