17-01-2016/11:00 PM
Current Steam Name:Grom
Steam ID(steamid.io/lookup):STEAM_0:0:83945625
Do you have at least 40 hours on the server? Yes I have 11 days since this post
Do you have any current admins that recommended you to apply?Mclovin is one
Why do you want to be an admin on Invex Gaming? I believe that I'm very active on the forums and the surf server as well as a long time player to know how to operate(I did spend 6 days in another state and was only active on the forums last week) and I am certain that I qualify in dealing with people doing the wrong thing e.g spammers or cheater needing a mute or ban
Steam ID(steamid.io/lookup):STEAM_0:0:83945625
Do you have at least 40 hours on the server? Yes I have 11 days since this post
Do you have any current admins that recommended you to apply?Mclovin is one
Why do you want to be an admin on Invex Gaming? I believe that I'm very active on the forums and the surf server as well as a long time player to know how to operate(I did spend 6 days in another state and was only active on the forums last week) and I am certain that I qualify in dealing with people doing the wrong thing e.g spammers or cheater needing a mute or ban