13-09-2017/04:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 25-09-2017/09:42 AM by fluxxx. Edited 4 times in total.
Edit Reason: UPDATED
VIP Contest!
Information: I am holding a contest on the fastest climb speed runners. There can only be 1 winner per category (if they in 2 categories the clip I was sent first will determine what category they win)
How to enter: Send me a youtube video link or .dem file w/ ticks of your speed run of the following map jb_clouds_final5 (The youtube video must be un-edited)
Prizes: 3x VIP (Package 2)
Categories: Collectables (Meaning Jetpack and Bhop are allowed), Non-Collectables (No Jetpack or Bhop are allowed) and Bhop only (Self-explanatory)
Vote for the map you want to use for this contest with the poll above this post. The map must have a climb (if the map has more than 1 difficulty we will be doing the hardest one e.g. If clouds is picked we will do Extreme Climb) The poll will end in 4 days then you will be able to send in your clips.
Information: I am holding a contest on the fastest climb speed runners. There can only be 1 winner per category (if they in 2 categories the clip I was sent first will determine what category they win)
How to enter: Send me a youtube video link or .dem file w/ ticks of your speed run of the following map jb_clouds_final5 (The youtube video must be un-edited)
Prizes: 3x VIP (Package 2)
Categories: Collectables (Meaning Jetpack and Bhop are allowed), Non-Collectables (No Jetpack or Bhop are allowed) and Bhop only (Self-explanatory)
Vote for the map you want to use for this contest with the poll above this post. The map must have a climb (if the map has more than 1 difficulty we will be doing the hardest one e.g. If clouds is picked we will do Extreme Climb) The poll will end in 4 days then you will be able to send in your clips.