17-09-2017/09:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2017/03:00 PM by Byte. Edited 2 times in total.)
For some context, please refer to this thread discussing Teamspeak vs Discord:
We have decided to launch an Official Discord Server.
This server IS NOT replacing the Teamspeak 3 server.
We will use it alongside Teamspeak 3 for now and will reevaluate which one is better in the future.
There are pros and cons to both pieces of software.
Teamspeak offers better audio codecs while Discord boasts a rich API which allows us to add customised bots.
In this thread:
![[Image: Coeprgf.png]](https://invex.gg/image-proxy/3d2d84f90216a215b9e3e77f8d34476bf74f1270/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f436f65707267662e706e67)
How do I verify my Discord account?
Will be automated in the future straight from Discord.
For now, simply reply to this thread with your full discord name.
Example: Byte#5322
A staff member will periodically give you your role.
Be patient!
Please be aware that all roles will be stripped entirely when the new self-authentication feature is added.
List of Brainstormed Features
We have decided to launch an Official Discord Server.
This server IS NOT replacing the Teamspeak 3 server.
We will use it alongside Teamspeak 3 for now and will reevaluate which one is better in the future.
There are pros and cons to both pieces of software.
Teamspeak offers better audio codecs while Discord boasts a rich API which allows us to add customised bots.
In this thread:
- We will discuss ideas about new features for the discord server.
- You can verify your Discord account to get a role. This will be automated in the future but is manual for now.
- You can discuss TS3 vs Discord in general.
How do I verify my Discord account?
Will be automated in the future straight from Discord.
For now, simply reply to this thread with your full discord name.
Example: Byte#5322
A staff member will periodically give you your role.
Be patient!
Please be aware that all roles will be stripped entirely when the new self-authentication feature is added.
List of Brainstormed Features
- Add Dynobot (suggested by noname)
- Add self-authentication method so users can give themselves the correct roles (sync this with autovip database)
- Add method to link Discord account with forum account?
- Add shoutbox Discord channel to be able to post to shoutbox from discord and vise versa.