03-11-2017/02:32 PM
So with all this drama going on right now with Notorious creating fake accounts to vote for for Rebeller Of The Month or whatever i was thinking of a way that would solve this problem. How about creating a system that would only allow players with a Member+ rank on the forums to vote on this poll (Members, Senior Members, Veterans). This would stop players creating new forum accounts just to vote for themselves as they would only be a registered member. This would also stop people asking older players who have lost their member rank due to inactivity / no longer playing to be able to vote for them as they are also only going to have the registered user rank. I see that this month Seth has gotten players from 2016 who are only registered users nowdays to vote for him for ROTM / WOTM. I see this as unfair to newer players as they would not know as many people and can only ask the current active invex playerbase to vote for them which is the way the voting should be for each party. POTM is kinda already a popularity contest, but by implementing this feature we would see who is the most popular among the current invex playerbase not older invex playerbases and would make the voting much fairer imo.