14-06-2016/09:48 PM
Demo file is: 13-06-2016-2224-ba_jail_canyondam_go.dem
Start Time: 49:45
End Time: 55:30
Description: Demo speaks for itself, i WAS acticly hunting through the whole beacon period of HG and Ownaj just is too up himself to admit he was wrong and warns/gags me. Also notice after i killed the 3rd last guy when im up at waterfall he shit talks my aim over dead player voice chat. The guy clearly does not like me and just abuses me.
Demo file is: 13-06-2016-2224-ba_jail_canyondam_go.dem
Start Time: 49:45
End Time: 55:30
Description: Demo speaks for itself, i WAS acticly hunting through the whole beacon period of HG and Ownaj just is too up himself to admit he was wrong and warns/gags me. Also notice after i killed the 3rd last guy when im up at waterfall he shit talks my aim over dead player voice chat. The guy clearly does not like me and just abuses me.