24-08-2017/08:07 PM
So I'm talking about the game.me point system, as you can see I've gone 40-17 and gained a total of 23 points from doing so (as highlighted). Now, while playing you can gain and lose a total of 1-5 points, people with a lower amount of points gain more points if you have higher points than them, as you probably knew already. Now to lose the points I had gained (23), all I would have to do is die from the wrong person that takes 5 points from me. If that happened 4 times in a row I would be down to 3 points gained making my score 40-21. Now I don't know if this is fair or not, so let me know if I just need to "git gud", "try harder n3rd" or if you think this is unfair.
Thanks :^)
Thanks :^)