Few Ideas sprung to mind about things that I think should be implemented, changed or simply new features that I believe would make the server:
A) more appealing to new players
B) inspire more players to stay
C) Increase player satisfaction
*Some ideas are Jailbreak specific.
1. Increase cost of skins, trails, tracers etc to make it seem like more of an achievement to acquire the better tier skins and items, at one point everyone had thousands of excess credits and not much point to the store system/current point gathering system.
2. Increase cost of game altering equipment IE: Jetpack obviously not pay to win levels of increase but everyone having jetpack with how powerful jetpack was made it near impossible to CT and extremely easy for terrorists to rebel making games literally how long can the cts survive.
3. Instill clear rules around Nazism of ct's which is something I know I was bad for but I feel I still created somewhat of a fun experience but alas I'm currently brushing up on my Cs:go skills (of what little there ever was) and playing jailbreak on other servers and am finding that I have near no idea where I am to go, what alot of the commands are asking of us as T's and am just dying over and over creating an extremely aggravating non fun experience which is making me not want to play on the server im on.
4. Add a coinflip system. Pretty straight forward but a very fun way to spend those hard earned creds.
5.Have multiple ranks where some ranks have the ability to mute players, call admin, gag, call votekicks etc (Obviously this is up to staff to decide what ranks would get what powers) I feel this is a useful way to maintain order when no admins are around.
6. Give harsh punishments to players found to be Racist, Abusive, Harrassing others and generally being a minge.
I feel this is something Invex failed on last time, at one point saying Nigger was an instant punishment, for some reason at some point it just became common speak and commonly used, I believe this led to a culture of abusiveness and toxicity and generally aided in Invex's decline ruining the experience for most and causing a lot of players choosing to not play anymore.
7. My mostest big brain idea
Instill an ingame report system where any player can report another for reasons ie: freekill, freewound, have the reportee report with a statement, give the reported a popup to respond in and then once they have responded this gets put into a queue for admins to check up on and add slays etc. obviously this is a huge thing to ask and would have a lot to create to make this system possible but the benefits of having said system are massive.
Not many Ideas at the moment but I'm sure more will come about.
8. Daily gift for return players, Basically return every day and claim prizes, they will have to be very small prizes early on but the current server I play on gmod has a system where you can claim a daily gift up until 30 days concurrently where you get the better prizes the more daily claims, once you hit 30 days concurrent it resets back to 1.
-Obviously prizes for daily gifts start out at like day 1 50 credits day 2 75 ... day 10 200 credits day 30 2k etc. Obviously not up for me to decide and measure out what prizes are suitable but yeah just an idea.
Few Ideas sprung to mind about things that I think should be implemented, changed or simply new features that I believe would make the server:
A) more appealing to new players
B) inspire more players to stay
C) Increase player satisfaction
*Some ideas are Jailbreak specific.
1. Increase cost of skins, trails, tracers etc to make it seem like more of an achievement to acquire the better tier skins and items, at one point everyone had thousands of excess credits and not much point to the store system/current point gathering system.
2. Increase cost of game altering equipment IE: Jetpack obviously not pay to win levels of increase but everyone having jetpack with how powerful jetpack was made it near impossible to CT and extremely easy for terrorists to rebel making games literally how long can the cts survive.
3. Instill clear rules around Nazism of ct's which is something I know I was bad for but I feel I still created somewhat of a fun experience but alas I'm currently brushing up on my Cs:go skills (of what little there ever was) and playing jailbreak on other servers and am finding that I have near no idea where I am to go, what alot of the commands are asking of us as T's and am just dying over and over creating an extremely aggravating non fun experience which is making me not want to play on the server im on.
4. Add a coinflip system. Pretty straight forward but a very fun way to spend those hard earned creds.
5.Have multiple ranks where some ranks have the ability to mute players, call admin, gag, call votekicks etc (Obviously this is up to staff to decide what ranks would get what powers) I feel this is a useful way to maintain order when no admins are around.
6. Give harsh punishments to players found to be Racist, Abusive, Harrassing others and generally being a minge.
I feel this is something Invex failed on last time, at one point saying Nigger was an instant punishment, for some reason at some point it just became common speak and commonly used, I believe this led to a culture of abusiveness and toxicity and generally aided in Invex's decline ruining the experience for most and causing a lot of players choosing to not play anymore.
7. My mostest big brain idea
Instill an ingame report system where any player can report another for reasons ie: freekill, freewound, have the reportee report with a statement, give the reported a popup to respond in and then once they have responded this gets put into a queue for admins to check up on and add slays etc. obviously this is a huge thing to ask and would have a lot to create to make this system possible but the benefits of having said system are massive.
Not many Ideas at the moment but I'm sure more will come about.

8. Daily gift for return players, Basically return every day and claim prizes, they will have to be very small prizes early on but the current server I play on gmod has a system where you can claim a daily gift up until 30 days concurrently where you get the better prizes the more daily claims, once you hit 30 days concurrent it resets back to 1.
-Obviously prizes for daily gifts start out at like day 1 50 credits day 2 75 ... day 10 200 credits day 30 2k etc. Obviously not up for me to decide and measure out what prizes are suitable but yeah just an idea.